There is nothing wrong with using trendy tiles, etc when creating a bathroom but just know that in less than 10 years (much less if didn't install at the very beginning of the trend) your bathroom will look outdated. Because did you know trends only last 10 years? Well, maybe you did but did you know the gray trend has already been over for 3!? Yes, you read that right, the gray trend is already over. However, when I say "gray trend", I am referring to the over use and a more monochromatic gray aesthetic. If you use grays as an accent color it can work well to soften a space and be timeless.
So how do you create a timeless bathroom? Well, the Queen of Classic (as I refer to her), Maria Killam says, "timeless should be boring." Really? Yes, really! Timeless is boring and trendy is interesting.
Now, I know what you are thinking, no one wants a boring bathroom so why would I ever try to make my bathroom timeless? Well, for starters, IT IS TIMELESS! Which means, no one will look at your bathroom and think it is outdated. And lastly, it will go with most any decor style. This bathroom by designer, Dabito, is a perfect example. He took a timeless bathroom and turned it into something extraordinary, all with using just accessories. The fixed elements are white (or neutral) and will never go out of style. This bathroom style can easily be changed with minor decor replacements and no demo will ever need done to "update" it.

So if you are about to remodel and want a timeless bathroom here are some tips you can use to create your own.
If hardwood, they should be in a pale or medium shade, NOT gray or taupe. Remember, gray is OUT and really should never have been a hardwood floor option.
For tile floors they should be in the white family and a classic style such as, basket weave or hexagon; 12x12 tiles rarely makes for a classic bathroom.
If I'm being honest, white subway tile in an off-set pattern, that mimics a classic brick lay, really is the only option. Other colors and patterns can be beautiful and fun but will not create the same timeless look.
At all costs, please try to avoid builder grade brushed metal, as they are "disappointingly dull", per the Queen of Classic. A much better choice is chrome or polished nickel, as well as brass/gold finishes.
YES, you can mix metals! Mixing metals keeps things interesting. Just try to stick with two and repeat them at least once. Also, keep them in the same style (i.e. modern).
If you don't know what you are doing, stay with simple white cabinets.
Besides accessories, paint is where you can indulge more in a trend. You can paint your walls and/or cabinetry, as paint is a cheap and easy thing to change. However, you need to make sure you are choosing a paint that has the same undertones as any of the fixed elements you have selected. For example, if you have Carrara marble countertops, they have blue undertones and your paint will need to coordinate with it. Otherwise, you risk a classic bathroom just looking bad.
Please note, that all the above suggestions are to be done as a whole. You can not take just pieces of these and add it to any bathroom. Why!? Because white is not always the answer. White subway tile DOES NOT go with earthy granite, or beige flooring. If you are keeping elements that are not timeless you CAN NOT just add white. Whatever you are adding needs to relate to what is staying.
My favorite home improvement store is Home Depot but unfortunately there is not one in our town. Thankfully, Home Depot has free shipping on almost everything and, when we completed our basement bathroom, I had all the tile and bathroom items shipped directly to our home!

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If you need any help creating a custom timeless bathroom for your home or need help with paint selections please take a look at my services.